“Something interesting about me is that I am working on learning skills that could help me in the event of a zombie apocalypse, such as, wilderness survival, how to drive a stick shift, and lock picking. Next on my list is learning to fly a plane and ride a motorcycle.”
Why we love Nicole.
She warms our hearts when we see her online with her vibrant smile and dancing moves. Nicole is a genuinely kind person who has always brought her A game to the studios, and now continues to bring it almost every single day to xLIVE. Thank you, Nicole, for your energy and dedication - you’ve helped us get through these challenging times and we appreciate you!
Over the last few years, fitness has become a very big part of my life. I found the healing space of yoga while getting out of a relationship and it snowballed my love for fitness and the endorphins that come with it. My stepmom got me started on Pilates and when I moved to Oakland shortly after I discovered there was a studio just an 8-minute walk away. X-CORE was the perfect way to start my Saturday mornings and I started by taking one class a week. I really enjoyed the intimate space of the small class and how the instructors could focus on each individual during the allotted time. And since COVID I have been taking the xLive classes almost every day of the week. I have had my family join me for a class when I went back home to visit and a few friends have joined me as well when they spend the night. Every instructor has been so kind and encouraging always pushing me to hold on a little bit longer. It's that interaction that makes it so worthwhile. It is a space of empowerment and a space free from judgment. I have enjoyed every minute of every class. Well, that's a lie because sometimes I feel like I'm dying :) but I love it still. This community is part of me now and I am so grateful for all of the love and support.
Where did you grow up?
I am originally from Thousand Oaks, Ca. I moved to the Bay Area for university in 2005 and have lived in SF, Marin, and now Oakland for 3 years this coming March.
What is your favorite restaurant in Oakland?
Oooo there are so many tasty spots here. I don't have a favorite but I really like Drakes. The outdoor area with its trees and lighting. I have had many fond memories there and afterward, you can get ice cream at Humphry Slocombe.
What do you like to do for fun?
I love having conversations with strangers while traveling and exploring new places. I have always loved hiking especially in forests and lately, I have been doing 10+ mile hikes around the Bay. I love planning/working events and recently before COVID I started working for a catering company part-time (A job that I got because of someone special I met at X-CORE). I watch way too many movies and have stacks and stacks of books around my flat. Video games or board games, I don't discriminate :) Dancing pretty much any time of the day or anywhere always makes me happy. For fitness besides X-CORE, I have a favorite yoga teacher I adore taking classes from and running around the lake when I can get enough motivation to do so.
Favorite COVID pastime?
When COVID started it was lonely and I needed people to talk to so I selfishly started a gathering every Wednesday evening with my neighbors and me in our courtyard to chat, play a game, watch a movie on a projector or have dinner together. (Sadly since it has gotten cold and dark early we haven't done it these last few months.
Favorite xLIVE class?
How could I have a favorite? Each class is so different and challenging! I love the new challenge of the penny board. Megan and Maren are always watching to make sure I don't give up. Elaine making Paul work so hard always fills my heart with love and laughter. Sierra makes my legs hate me for days and Bibi kicks my butt every class. I also really love the new yoga class with Catrina and her partner because if balancing wasn't hard enough they added weights too.
How do you make time for xLIVE?
I keep noon to 1 pm blocked off on my calendar at work and I let my team know how important doing these classes live are, and everyone I work with is so supportive and encouraging.
What can't you wait to do once everything re-opens?
Amongst all the things I miss like going to concerts and movie theaters or even just spending time with all my friends, I can't wait to travel again and go off on adventures.
What's your day job?
I am a Visual Designer and I work on projects that involve branding and website redesigns mostly.
Favorite quote?
My dear, find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain from you your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you, and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it's much better to be killed by a lover. Falsely yours, Henry Charles Bukowski
Who inspires you?
I find that the people I surround myself with inspire me most. They push me to be better and introduce me to new things. Before COVID I would go to a lot of book signings and film screenings and listening to others' stories and picking their brains has always inspired me.