Versaclimber Classes (xCLIMB) — X˙CORE

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xCLIMB - cardio climbing on the VersaClimber

Discover the physical benefits of the Versaclimber - Endurance, Stamina, Coordination, Balance, Strength, and Speed.

The cardio machine that tones your arms, legs, and core. If you really want to maximize your workout time - and are looking for a low impact, but high intensity workout - there’s no better option
— Today.com

When it comes to exercise, working against gravity in a vertical motion - like total-body climbing - has been shown to burn more fat and calories than regular horizontal movement, such as treadmills, stationary bikes, ellipticals and rowers.

xCLIMB is a 30-minute indoor climbing class that features high-intensity cardio and rhythm-based choreography. More than just a workout - it's a powerful mind-body experience.  The VersaClimber is uniquely designed to provide a true total body, low impact, cardio workout for superior fat and calorie burning results.

Efficient & Effective.  xCLIMB offers the quickest results by boosting the heart rate quickly and keeping it boosted throughout the entirety of the workout, which results in a shorter duration of activity required to get optimal results. In just 30 minutes, you'll be high on endorphins and dripping in sweat with this high intensity workout. Research shows that Climbing for even just 20 minutes burns 206% more fat and calories than a comparable treadmill workout.

Low Impact. Climbing is a low impact, non-traumatic workout – it’s ideal for people who have previous lower body injuries or want to avoid high impact exercise. With proper form, work out safely without any unneeded stress on the ankles, knees, hips, back or shoulders.

Rehabilitation. Climbing utilizes the body’s primal upright biomechanics to promote safe movement, healthy spinal alignment, and neuromuscular coordination. As individuals get healthier and stronger, VersaClimber exercises can get more difficult, allowing the same person to use the machine throughout their rehab process.

FUN for All. X˙CORE classes are high energy and will challenge you the entire 30 minutes with fun music and best-in-class instructors! Since climbing mimics the body's natural movement of walking, new people adapt easily if they want to move slowly and develop their cardiovascular system. On the other hand, X˙CORE uses intense anaerobic intervals to challenge the most elite athletes. 

New to Climb? If you're new to climb and beat-based classes, no worries! The classes are designed to be fun and challenging. Your first class is like a first date - a little awkward as you get to know each other. By your 3rd date, you're more comfortable and excited to see what heights *pun intended* this new relationship will take you!

Benefits backed by science.

  • Highest calorie burn rate

  • 3x more effective than spinning and ellipticals

  • Unique cardio training

  • Zero Impact on knees, joints and hips

  • True total body
