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Smadar and Mike

The love and support between these two is tangible. We love the silent push they give one another as they fight through every last 10 seconds of each move together. We appreciate their sense of humor and genuine vibes. Best of all, we've seen them grow stronger together since X-CORE's inception!


Who can plank longer?

Mike: Me -- I'm planking right now. I've been planking for days.

Smadar: Definitely Mike. Don't worry though, he hasn't been planking for days.


How has X-CORE shaken up your lifestyle?

S: We wake up early now to work out, which has been tough, but totally worth it. I think it's also been great for the two of us -- I'm a lot more willing to go out and do something active, even just a walk around the lake, which has been great since Mike loves getting out of the house.



How do you keep each other motivated to keep coming?

M: We used to work out separately and it always seemed to fizzle. Lagree became a new activity that we could share with one another. We encourage each other to hold that last plank a little longer, push ourselves a little further, and support each other when we are sore after our workouts.


What kind of changes have you seen in your bodies?

M: I feel way stronger. I noticed I have arm muscles, and three abs.

S: I feel way stronger. Mike is almost at four abs.


What’s your secret to a happy marriage?

S: Working together as a team, communication, compromise, and humor. Our 6th anniversary is on June 3!


What is your favorite spot in Oakland?

S: Temescal Brewing. They have delicious beers and an awesome outdoor space with lots of dogs for us to pet.


What is your advice for newbies?

M: Keep at it. This workout never gets easier but it's so fun! Don't cheat at Mermaid, they always know when you cheat at Mermaid.


What do you do for work?

M: Software Engineer at Twine

S: Transportation Engineer at W-Trans
