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Meet Paul

Early years: Bradenton, FL

X-CORE is…an amazing community and killer workout

Favorite X-CORE (pilates) move: X˙CORE Lunge

Favorite Food: Beef short ribs YUM!

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite music to workout to: EDM babyyy

Hobbies: Soccer, travel, watch Netflix documentaries

Fun facts: I don't know how to burp and can't sit Indian-style

Favorite quote: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” —Gandhi

Who inspires you: My parents and my wife



Meet Sierra

My early years: Started early life in Fremont, but the majority of growing was done in Oakland

X-CORE is…A family…a really really fit family

Favorite X-CORE (pilates) move: I love love love any variation of a mermaid

Favorite food: French fries

Favorite color: Light teal

Favorite music to workout to: Any up tempo 2000’s R&B or any remix’s of those songs because mems!!

Hobbies: Currently I’m really into cooking/baking, but a lifelong hobby would be basketball.

Quote to live by: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle

